Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

♥024♥ Small Update


My cat is doing... okay for the prognosis she got.
The vet came today and said that she'll have some more days
We are only able to feed her with liquid food and all the stuff she wasn't allowed to eat before like..
liquid whipped cream and ice cream *laugh*

Other than this~
I really was able to close the zipper of my Gather Chiffon from AatP 
But still need to loose some weight in order to make it look good xD

Then I'm almost finished with watching
Atashinchi no Danshi
I'm done with Ep.09 and now I don't want to continue because I really like the Dorama
(which doesn't happen that often)
And.. I don't want it to eeend~
(; 3;)

Inoue is the best! :D

Mmh further~
I ordered the Schwarz Stein CD 
I'm just hoping to find the 'old' Kaya-style back on it again

If you're interested, maybe there are still some copies left!

He accepts intern. order + paypal :D!

I'm still waiting for
Holy Grail - Versailles
Lotus & Different Sense - Dir en Grey
to arrive here

Caaan't wait~

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