Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

♥023♥ Chotto matte kudasai yo!

Woke up at 3:15am!
° -°

Now I'm almost ready to head off to Nancy :D

I'm so nervouse~ (;  -;)
I just hope everything will go smoothly~
Especially the part where we have to go from
Paris North -> East

And I hope I didn't forget anything~
And I hope my suitcase will again fit in the backpack of my bike xD


And I still need a gift-back for the H-presents

And a final word:

Oh CrazY
Chotto matte kudasai YO

Montag, 30. Mai 2011

♥022♥ Busy~!!

Hey Hey~

Today will be a veeeeeery busy day!
I already worked a bit on our module assignment stuff this morning.

9/18 Job Descriptions done! : D

Maybe I'll write some later but..
First I have to get ready because~

Today starting at 9:30am we will shoot for our prototype.
I bet it will end up in Chaose because I don't feel like we are well prepared.
This module just lacks a lot of motivation and tutors are confusing us!

At quarter before 3 we then have CBL and afterwards MAC.
If it takes as loon as schedules
I'll be finished with university at...

And then I'll have to rush to the city
to buy:

A box / bag for my presents
Look for a bag for my grandma
Buy Nailpolish
And.. some other things I can't remember right now.

And tomorrow I will head off to Nancy~
ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ
Can't believe that it's about 10 month ago since I saw Versailles the last time.

This time will be the
time I'll see them live
I'm nervouseee~

Hopefully we'll be first row in front of H again


Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011

♥021♥ Pukka .. Tea!

Since I'm still ill and my voice is near to non-existing~
I would like to share a bit of my non-medical treatment:


I'm in love with 

(no not that cute character *laugh*)

It's about 4€ for a package of 20 bags, so kinda pricy..

But it's damn delicouse and works for me!

So here is one of the flavours I tried :

Pukka - harmonise

It contains:
  • Chamomile flower
  • shatavari root - indian asperge
  • hibiscus flower
  • rose flower
  • licorice root
  • vanilla pot
Everything grown organic!

It smells nice and has a soft and rich flavour

The package says:
  • Rose, hibiscus & vanilla helb rejuvenate
  • Chamomila flower helps soothe and restore
  • Shatavari can help nourish women's health

For me it really helps with abdominal pain during you know which time
And it's a release for my sore throat!

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011

♥019♥ 。(´д`lll)

I guess I catched a cold last week

The last 3 days my throat hurt like hell.
I really
a sore throat..

At least this is over now!
(my nose is still running and I'm caughing but..
well I can live with that! )

I felt so tired the last two days
and always fell asleep in the afternoon 

I'm not used to be ill anymore
This is actually the first time after mor than
.. 1 year..

Maybe this was because of the lack of coffee
(I think coffee always hurts with a sore throat..)

I still had some of that awesome tea!
Actually it says it's for purifying your skin

But there's peppermint and fennel and liquorice in it
So it really helped!

So next time you have a sore throat and no medication at hand


It's in a green package and costs about 3-4€
(Not sure anymore)
you can even use a bag for more than just one cup
(I'm using one bag for.. like 3-4 cups!)

So stay healthy everyone!

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011

♥018♥ D!


So this is how I actually went to both D lives 
Amsterdam & Cologne.

For the Amsterdam review / report of my day I would like to refer to my Ameba,
since Blogger sucked at that day  : D

-> http://profile.ameba.jp/ilovescreamparty/

So here the story of Cologne:

I woke up at 
I had some coffe, got ready and left the house at 
Catched to bus to the station and took the train to Utrecht!

The day before I bought 
a huge Mercí-Choclate Box, 
a card 
and at the station this:

It had a lot of cute pictures in it 
so I think someone was happy about it : D

In Utrecht I met with Margot and 
we took the train to Cologne.
There was a really nice train guard noticing my perfume 
( ...lol?)

At about 15:15 we arrived in Cologne, 
bought tickets for the subway and
went to our hostel : D
The women was really nice and okay with us leaving really early again the next morning!

The room was for 6 people but with us we were only four.
It was clean and the station was right in front of the door!
So if anyone has a small budged, 
I could reccomend the hostel near
"Piusstraße" to you!
19€ only! 
: D

Well we got ready packed everything
and when we were outside 

the sun was shining!!
I was glad I brought my sunglasses *laugh*

The venue was just a few stops away 
and so we arrived at the venue at 
There weren't many people there at this point.. 

When we walked down the line 
we met Mikage 
and just sat down with her and her friend!
Was nice seeing her again ^ ^

Later we got asked to also sign the German flag for the band 
and I got ask if I wanted to participate in the 
Fashion Check

Second time then xD
Hopefully a better picture than the last time with Versailles
(omg I just saw it today...
Giz! you could have told me that I looked akward!)

Then Margot and me wrote something on our card for the band
and we were able to hand it over to the staff.

We then waited for Na-san and Kad 
but since they were a bit late 
I was only able to see them short before the live.
Of course they were allowed to enter the venue first 
and they really managed to keep me a spot : D
So I was standing in front of Tsunehito again <3

The live itself was really awesome : D
They started with.. 
Ouka saki some ni keri 
and Asagi was wearing his Kimono.
He also brought this umbrella 
and paper-Sakura petals were flattering through the air 

After this song he somehow managed it to redress in record time!!
And came back with the newest outfit '-';

The guys were pretty happy again as it seemed and 
we all had a lot of fun!
The setlist was a bit different to the one in Amsterdam but..
No Eden though.
( ; ~;)

If you are reading this and are attending any remaining lives..
Please tell me if they played EDEN as an encore.

After the live there was a signing session again 
and since 90% of their CDs suck to be signed by a black marker, 
I just let them sign my flag xD

Everything happening after the signing:


Then we got back to the hostel 
and both weren't able to sleep at first.
Really annoying since we had to get up at 5 again 
to catch our train back at

On the way back 
Margot and me 
were most of the time having a conversation with only 3 words:

Secret ne?
- Hai. Secret.


Well... I didn't get a plec or anything -but-
I catched Tsunes still half-full waterbottle which was the 
since the security in Cologne sucked hard as always.
"No we don't have water for you."
- Fuck you! :D