Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

♥024♥ Small Update


My cat is doing... okay for the prognosis she got.
The vet came today and said that she'll have some more days
We are only able to feed her with liquid food and all the stuff she wasn't allowed to eat before like..
liquid whipped cream and ice cream *laugh*

Other than this~
I really was able to close the zipper of my Gather Chiffon from AatP 
But still need to loose some weight in order to make it look good xD

Then I'm almost finished with watching
Atashinchi no Danshi
I'm done with Ep.09 and now I don't want to continue because I really like the Dorama
(which doesn't happen that often)
And.. I don't want it to eeend~
(; 3;)

Inoue is the best! :D

Mmh further~
I ordered the Schwarz Stein CD 
I'm just hoping to find the 'old' Kaya-style back on it again

If you're interested, maybe there are still some copies left!

He accepts intern. order + paypal :D!

I'm still waiting for
Holy Grail - Versailles
Lotus & Different Sense - Dir en Grey
to arrive here

Caaan't wait~

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

♥023♥ Chotto matte kudasai yo!

Woke up at 3:15am!
° -°

Now I'm almost ready to head off to Nancy :D

I'm so nervouse~ (;  -;)
I just hope everything will go smoothly~
Especially the part where we have to go from
Paris North -> East

And I hope I didn't forget anything~
And I hope my suitcase will again fit in the backpack of my bike xD


And I still need a gift-back for the H-presents

And a final word:

Oh CrazY
Chotto matte kudasai YO

Montag, 30. Mai 2011

♥022♥ Busy~!!

Hey Hey~

Today will be a veeeeeery busy day!
I already worked a bit on our module assignment stuff this morning.

9/18 Job Descriptions done! : D

Maybe I'll write some later but..
First I have to get ready because~

Today starting at 9:30am we will shoot for our prototype.
I bet it will end up in Chaose because I don't feel like we are well prepared.
This module just lacks a lot of motivation and tutors are confusing us!

At quarter before 3 we then have CBL and afterwards MAC.
If it takes as loon as schedules
I'll be finished with university at...

And then I'll have to rush to the city
to buy:

A box / bag for my presents
Look for a bag for my grandma
Buy Nailpolish
And.. some other things I can't remember right now.

And tomorrow I will head off to Nancy~
ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ
Can't believe that it's about 10 month ago since I saw Versailles the last time.

This time will be the
time I'll see them live
I'm nervouseee~

Hopefully we'll be first row in front of H again


Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011

♥021♥ Pukka .. Tea!

Since I'm still ill and my voice is near to non-existing~
I would like to share a bit of my non-medical treatment:


I'm in love with 

(no not that cute character *laugh*)

It's about 4€ for a package of 20 bags, so kinda pricy..

But it's damn delicouse and works for me!

So here is one of the flavours I tried :

Pukka - harmonise

It contains:
  • Chamomile flower
  • shatavari root - indian asperge
  • hibiscus flower
  • rose flower
  • licorice root
  • vanilla pot
Everything grown organic!

It smells nice and has a soft and rich flavour

The package says:
  • Rose, hibiscus & vanilla helb rejuvenate
  • Chamomila flower helps soothe and restore
  • Shatavari can help nourish women's health

For me it really helps with abdominal pain during you know which time
And it's a release for my sore throat!

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011

♥019♥ 。(´д`lll)

I guess I catched a cold last week

The last 3 days my throat hurt like hell.
I really
a sore throat..

At least this is over now!
(my nose is still running and I'm caughing but..
well I can live with that! )

I felt so tired the last two days
and always fell asleep in the afternoon 

I'm not used to be ill anymore
This is actually the first time after mor than
.. 1 year..

Maybe this was because of the lack of coffee
(I think coffee always hurts with a sore throat..)

I still had some of that awesome tea!
Actually it says it's for purifying your skin

But there's peppermint and fennel and liquorice in it
So it really helped!

So next time you have a sore throat and no medication at hand


It's in a green package and costs about 3-4€
(Not sure anymore)
you can even use a bag for more than just one cup
(I'm using one bag for.. like 3-4 cups!)

So stay healthy everyone!

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011

♥018♥ D!


So this is how I actually went to both D lives 
Amsterdam & Cologne.

For the Amsterdam review / report of my day I would like to refer to my Ameba,
since Blogger sucked at that day  : D


So here the story of Cologne:

I woke up at 
I had some coffe, got ready and left the house at 
Catched to bus to the station and took the train to Utrecht!

The day before I bought 
a huge Mercí-Choclate Box, 
a card 
and at the station this:

It had a lot of cute pictures in it 
so I think someone was happy about it : D

In Utrecht I met with Margot and 
we took the train to Cologne.
There was a really nice train guard noticing my perfume 

At about 15:15 we arrived in Cologne, 
bought tickets for the subway and
went to our hostel : D
The women was really nice and okay with us leaving really early again the next morning!

The room was for 6 people but with us we were only four.
It was clean and the station was right in front of the door!
So if anyone has a small budged, 
I could reccomend the hostel near
"Piusstraße" to you!
19€ only! 
: D

Well we got ready packed everything
and when we were outside 

the sun was shining!!
I was glad I brought my sunglasses *laugh*

The venue was just a few stops away 
and so we arrived at the venue at 
There weren't many people there at this point.. 

When we walked down the line 
we met Mikage 
and just sat down with her and her friend!
Was nice seeing her again ^ ^

Later we got asked to also sign the German flag for the band 
and I got ask if I wanted to participate in the 
Fashion Check

Second time then xD
Hopefully a better picture than the last time with Versailles
(omg I just saw it today...
Giz! you could have told me that I looked akward!)

Then Margot and me wrote something on our card for the band
and we were able to hand it over to the staff.

We then waited for Na-san and Kad 
but since they were a bit late 
I was only able to see them short before the live.
Of course they were allowed to enter the venue first 
and they really managed to keep me a spot : D
So I was standing in front of Tsunehito again <3

The live itself was really awesome : D
They started with.. 
Ouka saki some ni keri 
and Asagi was wearing his Kimono.
He also brought this umbrella 
and paper-Sakura petals were flattering through the air 

After this song he somehow managed it to redress in record time!!
And came back with the newest outfit '-';

The guys were pretty happy again as it seemed and 
we all had a lot of fun!
The setlist was a bit different to the one in Amsterdam but..
No Eden though.
( ; ~;)

If you are reading this and are attending any remaining lives..
Please tell me if they played EDEN as an encore.

After the live there was a signing session again 
and since 90% of their CDs suck to be signed by a black marker, 
I just let them sign my flag xD

Everything happening after the signing:


Then we got back to the hostel 
and both weren't able to sleep at first.
Really annoying since we had to get up at 5 again 
to catch our train back at

On the way back 
Margot and me 
were most of the time having a conversation with only 3 words:

Secret ne?
- Hai. Secret.


Well... I didn't get a plec or anything -but-
I catched Tsunes still half-full waterbottle which was the 
since the security in Cologne sucked hard as always.
"No we don't have water for you."
- Fuck you! :D

Montag, 4. April 2011

♥017♥ Nya~


Today the Vet came to take a look at the stitches on my cat.
She's doing really well right now,
although he has not much time left..

They say she won't make it for more than another..month or two..

Of course I hope that she'll keep it up longer..
Altough I don't want her to suffer..

I would love to take her with me to Leeuwarden, but..
I know it's better for her to live at her home..

The last days she followed me like she hasn't for a couple of times when I was back home.
She just cuddled with me and laid on my lap for hours

I really love her..

And I already decided to let her cremate..
So I can take her always with me..

I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I know about her condition..
I mean.. it could be a chance to get used to the situation..
how could something get used to the thought of..
loosing the best friend you ever had

Sonntag, 3. April 2011

♥016♥ Kabuki - Bochum

Back from Kabuki.
It was really nice to meet Mai again! :D
And sorry to Jenny for not being downstairs ><

What can I say about this event?

The playlist of the DJane was...
uhm.. optimizable? 

Playing only 'headbang' VKei is..
a bit strange for playing it at a party, isn't it?

I mean..
Love is Dead from D'espa was cool..
They also played Orion once again (which I wished for)

You could have better danced to...
don't know..
Gloden Bomber? lol
Psycho le Cemu
Some Panic Channel Songs

Well it was funny to observe all those people.

And what can I say about Nanashi?
The sound wasn't great which was not their fault..

Their vocal... x__X
To be honest, I think that band would have better chances 
with da different one.
She just doesn't have a strong voice..
And no stage-presence.

She just does not stand out or..
Can even compare to the other members..

Maybe she should change her hair and make-up

Although that wouldn't make the vocals better..

Okay she can growl but..
Mai and me can do it too and.. don't sing in a band.

Somehow it was the same as back in Koblenz.
First you couldn't really hear the vocals, 
then their turned the volume up 
...and you wish they didn't.

This is no personal offence.
I don't know her and I bet she's a really nice person! opinion about her vocal skills ^^;


On the way back...
In Düsseldorf...
There was an African guy talking to me..
He said I'd be so pretty and..
He'd fallen in love with me..
And my eyes
And my legs
And my bodyshape
And he said my hair looked like the one of a princess
He really told me his whole life story
And I didn't even tell him my name.
But I told him I had a boyfriend and would travel to Wien now 
In the end he wanted to give me his phone number...
And marry me.
Strange people at early hours on train stations....

I'm really always attracting the strange people huh?

Montag, 28. März 2011

♥015♥ Disney Logo

: D

Today I also designed the logo for our module assignment disney attraction:

And off to bed now!

Sonntag, 27. März 2011

♥014♥ Puuh~


Because I hold myself down not to publish a hate-stenden-entry.
Not that it makes the situation better, but... well.

"Never answer a letter while you're angry"

★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ 


After overcoming my at least monthly phase of depression 
the weekend helped a bit to calm down.
Tomorrow I'll work hard again!

PBL Homework, Module Assignment, Meeting
and in the evening maybe starting with designing everything!
Tough schedule, huh?

I'm SO looking forward to Friday after everything will be handed in!
And I'm sorry for the rest of my group
if I might have slowed down everything a bit.

★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆ ★   ☆

On Thursday my cat should have been operated on her teeth T-T
They assumed that it might be because of those
that he has infections in her mouth from time to time.

Before our vet just took blood from her to check everything 
and noticed that her kidneys weren't doing that well.

Nothing to worry about until now but.. 
it's incurable since kidney transplantations on 14 year old cats...
well...they usually just don't do it
and if it'll cost more than I could ever afford.

since she noticed it on such an early stage
my cat is now on a special diet and luckily likes the food!
(Because of kidney issues cats can become anorexic 
and so was mine a bit 
- did you know that this was possible?! )

So on Thursday she should have been operated on her teeth 
the vet. team noticed something else.
It turned out that she had a tumor in her mouth. 
You can't operate it and now they hope its not one of the bad kind.

Evil tumor: It will grow, at some point of time she won't be able to open her mouth anymore T_T

Good tumor: It will hopefully not grow (fast ) and she does probably not need to loose all her teeth...

As far as I understood..
But somehow...
She had another small tumor in her mouth a while ago and...
Aaah I really hate that they can't do for cats as much as for human beings...

I really would love to take her with me now and spent as much time as possible with my kitty..
I mean .. I got her when she was 5 weeks old...
She was found together with other baby cats and without a mother..
She's like... you know you can tell her everything, she knows when I'm not feeling fine, she has character..

I know that cats won't get in the age of 40 but...  ><

Maybe that's also why I hate Stenden so damn much...
As if there was nothing more important than... marketing... wtf..

Samstag, 12. März 2011

♥011♥ Various Things

Well the news were more than shocking and they still are.

Especially since I've some friends living over there atm.

Until now they all seem to be fine!!

Yesterday I spent the whole day in front of the TV watching CNN and just couldn't get my thoughts away from it.

And as yesterday ended, so started today...

I also went to Groningen today with a friend.
And although I really tried to not thing about it, it came back to my mind every few minutes.
I hope I didn't annoy my friend with talking so much about Japan.
I know I'm terrible with that...

In Groningen I asked myself why I am actually studying in Leeuwarden.
Damn this city is so much cooler than ours.. T-T

They had a store where you could buy all different kind of pearls to create your own bracelet, necklace, cellphone charms and so on.

This is what I've done with them today:

Planning to wear it on my AatP-Dress (maybe J-Day)

Other than that I bought.. a lot.
A new black leggins, since I can't find my old one ( and the other one has a whole... )
A grey + black leopard print tights
Some skin care masks
A palette of eyeshadow
A fake fox tail at H&M
And some other stuff.

Then we went eating pancakes!

I had one with cheese, bacon, spinach, sour creme and salad!

It was SO much I couldn't it all of it.

And although we were actually more than full, we couldn't resit to buy those:

This was a small size one! wtf
Of course we just ate one of those things and kept the rest for later
Guess I'll live on them the next 5 days!!

So now I'm home and tired and afraid of my scale tomorrow

But it was a nice distraction!

When I came back I just donated 25€ to the German Red Cross!!
I know it's not much, but it's all I can afford right now...

And.. well every little bit counts ne! 

If you want to support, I believe Red Cross is a good institution!

Here is the link of the German one:

Montag, 7. Februar 2011

♥010♥ Heading off tooo~ Disney!

So after I moved out of that rotting rathole in the redlight district into a nice and clean house to live in...

Today is finally the day!

At 00:30 the busis finally going to take me and my fellow students to the ultimate place where dreams come true: 


And I promised myself that not even the French unpoliteness I had to face so often the last year is going to get my mood down!

We will resident at the Davy Crockett Ranch.

...and I am curiouse how it will look like at this time of the year *laugh*

Well I'm still not done packing and I don't have any suitable outfits so..
I guess I'll end up a bit overdressed as always 
and my feet will kill me 
unless I find a cute prince willing to take me through the park on his white horse : D

Pictures will be taken as long as my battery bare with me!

Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011

♥009♥ Recent Happenings


What happend lately?

I went the the "Glue Teaser" party here in Leeuwarden.
It was a party organized by MEM ( my studies) programm from the 3rd years
and one of my fellow students was scratching the LPs there (lol)

The locaten was "Doozo"
A.. at least they tell themself Japanese Restaurant
Were a Miso-Soup costs 4,75
And where you get Edamame for 5,25
And...Ramen for... 23€ !! wtf


We had our pitch about our game concept for the James Bond game I told before.
I'm very proud of my whole team,
we did a good job 
and I guess we were above avarage!

We had to compete aginast about 15 other groups and sadly didn't made it under the Top 3 T-T

Strange enough the group that won was one of the worst in our assesment forms.
(Everyone had to asses the other groups but it was decided by some tutors alon)
+ The group that won had their tutor in the Jury.

But.. XD
At least we were proud of us!

However there was actually only one really BAD pitch
( in terms of unprofessional behaviour..)
One funny part was when the twins we have in our studyyear had their pitch.
They were dressed with... almost nothing, tried to play guitar and sing which they obviousely sucked in and made the whole audience laugh.

I don't think that they realised it... Their whole pitch was a mess but.. at least it was funny! XD


What else~?

Well the module is almost over! : D
Only one Management Skills Workshop and my Selfmanagement meeting left - 
Then holidays for 1,5 weeks
because I already passed the test from Year 2 in the first module.



I found a new room!!!

Really during the last 2 month I took a look to about 30 rooms 
and only about 4 were worth moving.

Now I found a room - actually two rooms 
which are about 5m² and 14-15m² with own sink and small balcony ♥

I'm already packing my things here
because next week I'm going home
and then at the end of January my parents will help me moving out here and in there : D


And finally:

Yesterday Laura came to our place and we had a really mixed-movie evening XD

First episode of Hana yori Dango

And today I'll chill a bit and continue packing everything in shopping bags lol

Have a nice sunday~

♪ ♫ ★  ♫♪

Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011

♥008♥ Versailles Streetteam

                                            By misamisaa
Yesterday I started the Dutch Versailles Streetteam.
I guess me and Margot will be the leader together when times get busy.

I heard that there was a ST since 09 but even when they were touring last summer no one heard about or even -knew- about one.

So now we got at least a suitable Twitter-Account and a Facebook Group!

Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

♥007♥ Weekend!

Two more or less stressy days of university and now everything is left is one lecture on friday.

So I'm free to call out the end of the week :D

On Monday I did two mock-ups for our module assignement in university.
We have to create the game concept for a James-Bond game that should educate pupils of secondary schools about the 80s for an fictive Popular-Culture-Museum.

Despite the fact that I think James Bond is a strange frame for education - especially in games..
And although I would not like to see my child in a musea sitting 2h in front of a gaming console,
trying to save America from a nuclear desaster... 
I just did my job! 

I had to do the mockups for our first and second level.
In the first you have to save Oprah from some Homer Simpson-masked terrorists.

In the second level you have to find Keith Haring with the help of Taki, the 'inventor' of tagging.

Of course everything is just photoshopped together but I kind of like them :D

I guess today I'll tidy up my room and get my Senseo back in my room upstairs.

Sounds like a busy day, huh?

Now breakfast first :D


Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011

♥006♥ The End


Yesterday I spent the whole day with creating a song for Ultrastar!
I made Natsukoi from SID 
♪(*^ ・^)

I still have to adjust a few pitches but in general it works!! 
It takes a lot of time to create a song, but if you have the midi for the vocals it's at least possible!

If anyone wants to have it, please comment and I'll send it to you! 

~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~☆  ~

Today is the last day of my winter holidays 

My parents are driving me to Cologne Main Station
where we hopefully get something from Starbucks!
I really want to try the Chai Latte today!

Then I'll have to sit more than 5,5h in trains... 

Wish me luck on my journey!! 
