Sonntag, 3. April 2011

♥016♥ Kabuki - Bochum

Back from Kabuki.
It was really nice to meet Mai again! :D
And sorry to Jenny for not being downstairs ><

What can I say about this event?

The playlist of the DJane was...
uhm.. optimizable? 

Playing only 'headbang' VKei is..
a bit strange for playing it at a party, isn't it?

I mean..
Love is Dead from D'espa was cool..
They also played Orion once again (which I wished for)

You could have better danced to...
don't know..
Gloden Bomber? lol
Psycho le Cemu
Some Panic Channel Songs

Well it was funny to observe all those people.

And what can I say about Nanashi?
The sound wasn't great which was not their fault..

Their vocal... x__X
To be honest, I think that band would have better chances 
with da different one.
She just doesn't have a strong voice..
And no stage-presence.

She just does not stand out or..
Can even compare to the other members..

Maybe she should change her hair and make-up

Although that wouldn't make the vocals better..

Okay she can growl but..
Mai and me can do it too and.. don't sing in a band.

Somehow it was the same as back in Koblenz.
First you couldn't really hear the vocals, 
then their turned the volume up 
...and you wish they didn't.

This is no personal offence.
I don't know her and I bet she's a really nice person! opinion about her vocal skills ^^;


On the way back...
In Düsseldorf...
There was an African guy talking to me..
He said I'd be so pretty and..
He'd fallen in love with me..
And my eyes
And my legs
And my bodyshape
And he said my hair looked like the one of a princess
He really told me his whole life story
And I didn't even tell him my name.
But I told him I had a boyfriend and would travel to Wien now 
In the end he wanted to give me his phone number...
And marry me.
Strange people at early hours on train stations....

I'm really always attracting the strange people huh?

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