Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

♥005♥ Core Vibe

Yesterday I went to "Core Vibe". Na-san didn't have time, but Jenny and Bocky were there and it was fun.

There were 3 German VK-Bands playing.

First one was "Shizzura"
Some guys playing some English some Japanese songs. I think they were okay, although the one guitarist remembered me on my Ex x__X

However the vocal had a really nice voice!

Second were "Nanashi"
I really liked their music, they also played Forbidden from D'espairsRay.
However the girl on the vocals had a voice that only sounded good with the last song in my opinion.
But I liked the drums and bass!

Last were "Kogure"

We talked a bit before and I mistook a boy for a girl and a girl for a boy XD lol
They were really nice and afterwards the bassist and me just accidentially figured out that we knew each other in pico for quite a time.

They had only own songs and the vocals were really great!
I guess they already have some more experience than the other bands. At least they look way less nervouse.
(Could also be the case because we were only band-people + like 10 other XD)

Afterwards there would have been some kind of 'party' but.. well with only about 5 people + the bands it didn't make sense.
When Jenny, Bocky and me left to their car to get something to drink some guy asked us
"Did you get your picture??"
Me: "Eeh..picture?"
He: "Yeah they are making pictures!"
Me: " Whatever..."

XD for what do I need pictures?

Then we waited inside again till they packed everything because Jenny and Bocky took some of Kogure with them in their car and I had to wait for my Dad to pick me up.

So I came home at about 1, went to bed at 2 and woke up at 10am
And here I am still tired sipping my first cup of coffee :D

Good Morning!

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