Sonntag, 26. August 2012

♥034♥ Düsseldorf

バラバラHello everyone~!バラバラ

On Friday I finally moved to Düsseldorf. 家
A friend of mine went to Japan for her Work & Holiday

 and now I moved into her room.

It room is on the 5th floor.. no elevator! 

Therefore it was pretty tough getting all my stuff up to the flat.

My dad and I managed that in shorter time than expected! 

My room-mate went to her family on Friday 

so I had the whole flat for myself over the weekend, 
which wasn't too bad,
 since I could move in 
and put my stuff in my room with no distraction

I also got to know the cat of my room mate.
It was a bit shy at first
 but yesterday it already came up to me to get cuddled!

Now I just have to get used to keep cats away from my closet again


On Saturday my parents came a second time with the rest of my stuff.
Afterwards I took them to Naniwa. 
I already went there more than often, 

since a friend of mine lived in Düsseldorf years ago 

and we visited each other frequently.
For my Dad it was the first time to eat at a Japanese Restaurant. 

For my Mom it was her second time. 

( we once went to a restaurant in London). 
They both ordered a small bowl of Ramen and fried Gyouza.
I had the small bowl too as well as a small portion of fried rice with vegetable.


It was delicouse as always and even my dad liked it! 

I hope I could take some of his fear of Japanese food away haha.

Today I actually wanted to go to the fleamarket, 
but it was raining aaaaall day long. 
( ノω-、)

Tomorrow I have to go to the trainstation 

to get more information about the ticket I'll need during my internship.
I hope that it won't rain as much as today! ><

That's it for now!

バラバラ~ Bye Bye ~バラバラ

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