Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

♥036♥ Postcrossing

バラバラ~  Hello ~バラバラ

I started something new!

It is called "Postcrossing" ( -> CLICK )

you just have to sign up, enter your adress and then you can send and receive postcards to random people from all over the world!

I thought that sounded kinda cool and I want to give it a try!

In the beginning you can send 5 postcards at the same time.

The first adresses I got where located in:

Russia  ロシア
USA  America"
Ukraine ウクライナ

Finland フィンランド共和国

and Taiwan! 中華民国

That's a long way they have to travel!

I hope the people will like them!
Oh and I'm even more curious about receiving my first one!!

バラバラ~ Bye Bye ~バラバラ

2 Kommentare:

  1. Oh! That sounds so cool :oo hehe I'm from Finland^^

    1. Ooh~
      yeah participate! :D
      I brought mine to the postoffice today!

      Thanks for your comment <3
