Sonntag, 9. September 2012

♥040♥ 11 Questions Meme


Today I got a meme/challenge from Rinako !

I'll try my best to answer those questions :D

1. What city do you prefer?
I like the one I'm living now!
It has lots of Japanese shops!
For Japan I love Tokyo and Osaka!
In France I liked Montpellier best!

2. Do you like a TV show? What and why?
Uhm.. not really tbh.
I like those travel dokumentaries of people
starting a new life abroad.

3. Do you throwing away your money unnecessarily? For what?
Nope. I really try not to!
I even created a plan in Excel that tells me
how much money I can spend per day and
how I'm doing with saving until the current day haha.
I'm saving for my W&H in Japan so that's a big motivator!

4. Your idol?
Shinya (DeG) & Hizaki (Versailles)

5. What song brings you to tears?
Serenade (Versailles)
I start crying once I hear the first notes.

6. What movie do you think is the dumbest?
Spinal Tap (dumb in a good way haha)
7. Do you like ice cream?
Who doesn't? :D

8. What's your lucky number?
I don't know. I don't really have one ^^;

9. Do you prefer skirts or pants?
I'm in love with Shorts that look like Mini-Skirts! :D
Unfortunately they haven't made it to Europe yet.
10. What style of music you hate?
Every other style has it's right of existence.
Doesn't mean I enjoy listening to folk&country though.

11. What color isn't in your closetyellow and green
it's 90% black

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