Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013

❤55❤ Concert & Future work


Yesterday I went with two friends to Captiol Theater.
They wanted to see Drew Sarich.
He's a muscial actor (currently acting as "Rocky" in Germany), but he also released two albums.
I just listend to some samples on his Facebook page before since I didn't know him at all.

The concert was for free, so I said "Yes!" and joined them! : )

Their train was a bit late, but we managed to be there in time.
They also brought another friend of them who only knew Japanese. 
Although I still suck at Japanese I was able to a bit to him too!
(I bet it was all wrong and stuff but it was fun! image )

Elly had some of her homework on her phone which was a German text from Kafka she needed to translate into Japanese, so we tried to explain him what "Spätherbstnachmittag" (Afternoon in late autumn) and "Abendsonnenduft" (Scent of the evening sun) would mean in Japanese. "Abendsonnenduft" isn't even a real word so it was really funny to explain.

I also liked his voice and although he had so many sad songs I enjoyed the concert!!  

I was back home around midnight and went to bed an hour later.
At 6:30 it was waking up time again! 

At 8am I had an appointment at the local health center to get a certificate for my new side-job : )
I'll sell Bubble Tea at some events haha.

On my way I saw two cute bunnies on a playground and I couldn't resist taking a picture of one of them:


As always in Germany I had to pick a number and... wait.

Then I was registered and had to pay 25€ image

Half an hour later we had to watch a short movie about hygenie when working with food and that was all about it.

Everyone got a small blue book.
I'm not really sure if that movie was woth it, but you need to have that booklet in Germany in order to be allowed to work with food.

I was sooooo tired during the whole morning, because I didn't even had a coffee until then
 (; A;
So when I came back home the coffee machine was the first thing to be turned on! x3

By the way~
I got totally used to soymilk now and I can only reccomend the soymilk from DM!!

When I'm at my parents place I don't even like the coffee with normal milk that much anymore

I'm such a coffee-addict!!


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